


Drinking and Driving

A Guide to Selected Government and Legal Information

Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.

Federal Government Information

Charts and facts concerning alcohol-impaired driving, including fatalities, age of driver, BAC, etc.

11,000 By 2005 Partners in Progress:An Impaired Driving Guide for Action

Proposed strategies for reducing alcohol-related driving fatalities. 1997
TD 8.8:P 25

Data presented focuses on fatal crashes involving drivers, ages 15-20. Convenient graphics, useful for presentations, are included.

This resource guide for judges, prosecutor, and law enforcement helps to dispel the myths surrounding use of the horizontal gaze nystagmus roadside sobriety test to detect alcohol impairment.1999
TD 8.8:N 99

This factsheet from the CDC regarding impaired driving includes fatalities, incidence, arrests, and prevention.

The Visual Detection of DWI Motorists

Research regarding DWI detection includes the compilation of 24 driving cues that predict blood alcohol content. This booklet explains the cues as well as the research that led to them and includes a plastic DWI Detection Guide. 1998
TD 8.2:D 48/2

This manual is an interdisciplinary effort to more effectively reduce under age drinking and other alcohol-related driving offenses. The prevalence, risk, and consequences of Youth DUI are highlighted, with emphasis on relevant laws, law enforcement, and sentencing. 1999
TD 8.8:SE 5/2

Presidential Initiative For Making .08 BAC the National Legal Limit: Recommendations From the Secretary of Transportation

This publication provides background, explanation of .08 BAC, frequently asked questions, the state perspective, and the national 4-point plan. 1999
TD 8.2:B 62/2

A four-part series describing the Juvenile DUI Enforcement Program: Building Programs That Work, Eight Foundation Elements of a Successful DUI Strategy, Support Tools, and Leadership Roles. 1999
TD 8.2:Su 1

Illinois Government Information
DUI Fact Book

The Secretary of State Office provides this book containing facts, stats and information on how Illinois plans to combat drunk driving. annual
ILLINOIS 363.1251 ILLI (yr.)

Illinois Crash Facts and Statistics

This statistical presentation of Illinois crash data includes a table with the numbers of drivers killed by age and BAC, as well as a pie chart depicting fatal alcohol-related crashes by time of day and day of week. Your best bet is to Google the title in your web browser for the most recent issue. annual
ILLINOIS 363.1252 ILLI 61 (yr.)

Necessary for obtaining a driver's license, this manual offers licensing laws and traffic safety information, including a chapter on DUI. annual
ILLINOIS 629.283 I29r (yr.)

Evaluation of the Traffic Law Enforcement Program (TLEP) and The Local Alcohol Program (LAP) Projects in Illinois

Explains the programs that Illinois is promoting and also providing information on to use these programs. Also has detailed stats of how the programs have been working in past years.
ILLINOIS 625.7042 Eval 2 2001

This website offers the penalties and consequences of drunk driving, information on how to report drunk driving, and a table showing how much alcohol equals specific BAC levels. 2002

Legal Information
Illinois Vehicle Code

Illinois law pertaining to driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. 625 ILCS 5/6-205(d) is the zero tolerance mandatory license revocation law for persons under the age of 21 convicted of DUI. 1998
625 ILCS 5/11-501 et al and 625 ILCS 5/6-205(d)

Defending DUI and Related Cases

Written to assist Illinois lawyers and updated by supplements, this handbook includes information on breath alcohol testing, Illinois' .08 law, graduated licensing, and recent Illinois Supreme Court decisions. 1999
LEGL REF KFI 1497 .8 D 44 1995

New DUI, Traffic Laws Stiffen Penalties

Governor Ryan's August 2001 traffic-related bills and there impact on the state of Illinois sentencing for driving while revoked, revised DUI penalties, restricted-driving-permit limitations and compliance with federal DUI mandates are all discussed in detail in this article. 2001
Illinois Bar Journal. Vol. 89, No. 12 December 2001 pp. 651-654

Every lawyers Guide to DUI

This article explains the basics of DUI law and how a lawyer can help a client if he/she is stopped for DUI. Also offers answers to frequently asked questions. 2002
Illinois Bar Journal. Vol. 90, No. 6 June 2002 p311

DUI as a Crime of Violence under 18; Does a Drunk Driver Risk "Using" Force?

Supplies information on recent stats of drunk driving and how the police are taking action against the drivers. States that just because there DUI is an offense does not mean that it is a crime where they should be dealt in an unfair manor. 2002
Loyola University Chicago Law Journal Vol. 33, No. 3 Spring 2002 pp. 691-747


Subject Guides