


Problems of Adolescence

A Guide to Selected Government Information Available at WIU's Government Publications Library

Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.

Federal Government Information
Youth Culture and Violence

This hearing attempts to study causes of youth violence as a reaction to recent school shootings. Witnesses include high school students, teachers, psychology professors, media representatives, and gun control advocates. 1999
Y 4.J 89/1:106/20

Dropout Prevention

This hearing, held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is one of many field hearings designed to learn about what is working and not working in state school systems in order to help kids achieve and stay in school. 2000
Y 4.ED 8/1:106-86

Drug Abuse Among Our Children: A Growing National Crisis

This hearing explores the causes and effects of illegal drug use by our Nation's youth and teens. Testimony is heard from a student who has battled drug addiction, an undercover agent in a public school, physicians, and others. 1998
Y 4.J 89/2:S. HRG. 105-876

The Drug Threat to Teens In Our Rural Communities

Held in DeKalb and McHenry Counties, these hearings examine the connection between gangs and drugs and the threat of drugs to kids in rural communities and suburbs. Witnesses include the parent of a victim of drug-related violence, former drug dealers and users, and others. 1997
Y 4.G 74/7:T 22/5

This publication offers two models of agency and community response to gang problems. Much of the information presented is intended to help communities understand gangs and their activities. 1998
J 26.30:G 15/GUIDE, http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/164273.pdf

This report explores the link between psychological functioning and substance abuse in adolescents aged 12 to 17. Emotional and behavioral problems, illicit drug use, and alcohol and cigarette use are examined. 1999
HE 20.424:9

Tobacco Advertising and Children

This hearing seeks answers to the question, "What can Congress and the tobacco industry do to stop youth smoking?" 1997
Y 4.C 73/7:S.HRG. 105-824

Intended to help law enforcement personnel implement a plan to diminish alcohol-related traffic offenses, this publication includes help in assessing the severity of the problem as well as eight key elements of a successful program. 1999
TD 8.2:SU 1

A General Accounting Office review of state strategies and federal funding for reducing teen pregnancies. Illinois is one of the states chosen for this review. 1998
GA 1.13:HEHS-99-4 microfiche

Social and Economic Costs of Teen Pregnancy

This hearing focuses on social and economic effects of teen pregnancy and contains two panels of speakers: one consists of persons who study the issues and have a role in public policymaking and the second panel is comprised of individuals who work with teens, their families, and their teachers. 1998
Y 4.SM 1:105-60

Hearings on the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act

One panel of witnesses in this hearing explores juvenile justice and delinquency prevention, while a second panel discusses issues affecting runaway and homeless youth. 1996
Y 4.ED 8/1:104-68

This study monitors health risk behaviors that contribute to intentional or unintentional injuries among youth: tobacco, alcohol, and drug use; sexual behaviors; unhealthy dietary behaviors; physical inactivity; seat belt motorcycle/bicycle helmet use; drinking and driving; weapon carrying and fighting; school-related violence; and suicidal thoughts or attempts. 1997
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report: Surveillance Summary. Vol. 47, No. SS-3 August 14, 1998
HE 20.7009/2:47/SS-3

This office in the Department of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation agency focuses on policies that affect children, families, and youth. Their Youth/Teens/Adolescents menu features a topical list linking to of a wide variety of publications and research, including:

  • : Research Findings on Evaluations of Positive Youth Development Programs, 1999.
  • : A Review of Research and Interventions.
Illinois Government Information
"Student Suicide and Illinois' Small Schools: Breaking the Silence"

This report analyzes student suicide in Illinois and the results of a recent survey. Suicide prevalence, demographics, risk factors, and school policies are examined. Illinois Lawsuits stemming from student suicides are reviewed also and findings and recommendations are given.
Rural Research Report. Vol. 10, Issue 9 Spring 1999
ILLINOIS 352.007 RURA Vol. 10, No. 9

Legal Information
"Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile Prosecution: A New Approach to the Problem of Juvenile Delinquency in Illinois"

A look at our Nation's efforts to counteract juvenile delinquency and at the flaws in today's juvenile court systems. This author offers extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecution as an effective alternative and proposes legislation for its usage in Illinois.
The John Marshall Law Review. Vol. 31, No. 4 Summer 1998 pp. 1351-1384

"Requiring School Attendance: A Little Used Sentencing Power"

The authors of this article explore the paradox of juvenile court reliance on school-based information in decisionmaking and magistrates disinclination to remedy truancy by attaching a compulsory school attendance policy in sentencing.
Criminal Law Review. March 1999. pp. 183-194

School Crime and Juvenile Justice

Written by a probation officer who is the son of two teachers, this book looks at school crime and delinquent students and attempts to answer questions regarding the extent of school crime, the perpetrators and the victims, the characteristics of schools with more crime, and the characteristics of delinquents. Prevention and the roles of families, society, and educators are discussed. 1998
LEGL REF LB 3013.3 .L 38 1998


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