


Endangered Species and Wildlife Conservation

A Guide to Selected Government Information Available at WIU's Government Publications Library

Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.

Federal Government Information

Web site supported by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service which includes a species index, a "box score" (indicating number of endangered species alive), state counts and lists, as well as a Foreign Species Index, Regional News, a slide show, and FAQ. 1997

The WWF is dedicated to helping the wildlife and wetland worldwide. They have three main goals: protecting endangered spaces, saving endangered species and addressing global threats.

The NRCS provides ways to help people conserve, maintain and improve our natural resources and environment.

This site offers helpful information about endangered species, both land and marine life.

Medicinal Uses of Plants; Protection for Plants Under the Endangered Species Act

Includes testimony on why plants should be protected by law and on their medicinal benefits. 1993
Y 4.M 53:103-74

Why Save Endangered Species?

Pamphlet outlining the purpose of the Endangered Species Program, ways to help, and a few examples of extinct or endangered species. 1993
I 49.21:EN 2/22

Endangered Species

Pamphlet including causes of decline, the Endangered Species Act's history, formation and maintenance of the Endangered Species list, plant inclusion, and a few specific cases of captive breeding successes. 1993
I 49.2:EN 2/23/993

Code of Federal Regulations

Annually updated list of species of plants and animals considered endangered, including species name, scientific name, population, and critical habitat information.
50 CFR 17.11 et seq.

Lower Mississippi Delta Region Heritage Study

This thorough study of the Delta has information on the endangered species of this region, which includes Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. 1998
I 29.2:M 69 I/4/V. 2

Access EPA

(An Environmental Directory). Chapters on Public Information Tools, Major EPA Dockets, State Environmental Libraries, and many others. 1996
EP 1.8/13:AC2/

Enforcement of the Endangered Species Act in California

Citizens from Southern California speak out on the misuse of the Endangered Species Act to stop economic development in California. 1999
Y 4.R 31/3:106-49

Illinois Government Information

This Illinois web site offers information on how you can become a "citizen scientist", the EcoWatch Program, as well as other conservation programs and events.

"An Interdisciplinary Study of Illinois Wetlands"

Describes the features of the study which, at the time of publication, was the State of Illinois current Scientific Literacy Program. Tells how study was conducted by teachers, as well as archaeologists, biologists, and students.
The Living Museum. Winter 1997. Vol. 58 No. 4.
ILLINOIS 069 LIVI vol.58 no.4

These Precious Few: Illinois' Endangered and Threatened Plants and Animals

An in-depth look at the over 400 Illinois plants and animals that are facing possible extinction, including information on habitat and reasons for the perilous decrease in numbers.This re issued booklet originally appeared as the December 15, 1980 issue of Outdoor Highlights.

Legal Information
"Real Estate Law Journal"

In a section of this volume they talk about property rights, federalism and the Endangered Species Act.
volume 29 number 1.

"Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review"

This is a specific article that talks about the gray wolves that were re-introduced into Yellowstone National Park.
Volume 27 number 3

"Equal Footing, County Supremacy, and the Western Public Lands"

Law journal article addresses recent debate over federal land management in the West. Affects over 350 million acres in 11 states. Author argues in favor of federal possession. 1996.
Environmental Law. Winter 1996.

Environmental Law and Enforcement. A guide for industries, agencies, professionals, and attorneys

Self-described as a "painfully practical" approach to environmental law. Index and contents are concise and address current environmental questions. 1994.
LEGL REF KF 375 .M 385 1994

"The Endangered Species Act: a Case Study in Takings and Incentives"

In this article the Endangered Species Act's regulation of habitat is used to examine the consequences of alternative compensation. 1997
Stanford Law Review. Vol 49, No. 2, pp. 305-380

"Using Habitat Conservation Plans to Implement the Endangered Species Act in Pacific Coast Forests: Common Problems and Promising Precedents"

While Congress is debating how to reauthorize the Endangered Species Act, the Administration already is changing the Act's is implementation to protect and recover endangered species on state and private lands. 1997
Environmental Law. Vol. 27, No. 3, pp 845-876

Water, Water, Everywhere, and at Last a Drop for Salmon? NRDC v. Houston Heralds New Prospects Under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act"

It is the author's belief that this court decision determining that routine renewals of federal water delivery contracts fall within the scope of Section 7 will increase protection of endangered or threatened species in the Pacific Northwest.
Environmental Law. Vol. 29, No. 3 Fall 1999 pp. 607-638


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