


Korean War

A Guide to Selected Government Information

Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.

Federal Government Information
U.S. Army in the Korean War

These four volumes present a comprehensive account of U.S. Army activities throughout the war. It also includes the efforts of Army doctors, nurses, and medics. 1961.
D 114.2:K 84/2 v.1-4

Korea 1950

This book describes, in pictures and text, the first six months of the Korean War. 1952.
D 114.2:K 84/8

Korea 1951-1953

This is a continuation of Korea 1950. It gives detailed descriptions of the war from 1951 to 1953. Includes many pictures. 1997.
D 114.2:K 84/7

The Korean War: Years of Stalemate

This brochure examines the war from July 1951 to July 1953, when the war of movement was at a standstill. 2000.
D 114.2:K 84/9/years

We Can Do It: The 503d Field Artillery Battalion in the Korean War

This document tells the achievements and sacrifices of one of the last African-American units to ever serve in combat. 2000?.
D 114.2:K 84/10

The Three Wars of Lt. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer: His Korean War Diary

The Far East Air Forces commander kept a diary of all of his activities from June 25, 1950 to May 20, 1951. 1990.
D 301.82/7:K 84/2

Anything, Anywhere, Anytime: Combat Cargo in the Korean War

This book examines the impact of the Air Force and its ability to fly through any conditions. 2000.
D 301.82/7:K 84/4

The United States Air Force in Korea: A Chronology 1950-1953

This book provides a timeline of each day's events. It also explains the relationship of the Air Force operations to those of the Navy and Army. 2000.
D 301.82/7:K 84/5

Fire Brigade

U.S. Marines in the Pusan Perimeter. 2000.
D 214.13:K 84/2

Battle of the Barricades

U.S. Marines in the capture of Seoul. 2000.
D 214.13:K 84/3

Over the Seawall

U.S. Marines in Inchon. 2000.
D 214.13:K 84/4


U.S. Marines from Pohang to No Name Line. 2000.
D 214.13:K 84/5

Public Papers of the President

A study of the public messages and statements of President Truman concerning assistance, defense, unification, and U.S. troops in Korea. 1964.
GS 4.113:949-950

Foreign Relations of the United States

Examines the withdrawl of U.S. military and economic assistance to Korea, United Nations activities concerning Korea, and Chinese Communist intervention. 1976.
S 1.1:949/v.7/pt.2, S 1.1:950/v.7

The U.S. Army presents the Report of the No Gun Ri review, which details the investigation of the incident at No Gun Ri early in the Korean War. South Korean citizens claim that there was a large-scale killing of Korean civilians by American troops. 2001.
[GOVWEB] D 101.2: 2001040199

Periodical Articles
Navy Medicine

This volume has many articles about Korea including "Navy Medicine in the Forgotten War", "A Surgeon Remembers Korea", and others. July/August 2000.
D 206.7:91/4


This edition of the Army magazine commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Korean War. It is complete with articles, pictures, and a chronology of events. May 2000.
D 101.12:55/5


"Tanks and the Korean War: A Case Study in the Unpreparedness." Discusses the reasons that the United States used WWII-era tanks although more modern tanks had been developed. September/October 2000.
D 101.78/2: 109/5

Field Artillery

"Marine Artillery in Korea." Tells of the Inchon landing and the importance of artillery in order to overcome the large number of Communists. November/December 2000.
D 101.77/2: 2000/6

Quartermaster Professional Bulletin

The whole edition of Quartermaster is dedicated to the Korean War. It contains fourteen articles as well as numerous pictures. Spring 2000.
D 106.3/4:2000/1


"New Light on the Forgotten War." Gives a general overview of the aspects of the Korean War. It also includes pictures, a map, and attack strategies of North Korea. Fall 2000.
AE 1.111: 32/3

Related Websites

This website has links to stories, oral histories, and other resources commemorating those who served.

The National Archives website provides over 8,000 articles and photographs relating to the Korean War. Search engine provided includes other websites.

This website is called "Commemorating the Korean War". It has articles, photos, and the history of the war. Links to related sites.

"Remembering the Korean War" has official histories, commemoration brochures, art and images, maps, posters, as well as many studies and documents. This is part of the U.S. Army Center of Military History.

The Korean War Project homepage provides information about the ongoing search for POW/MIAs and the use of DNA testing. It also has information on memorials.


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