



A Guide to Selected Government Information Available at WIU's Government Publications Library

Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.

Federal Government Information

The aim of this site is to help facilitate a smoke-free lifestyle. It offers information on what to expect and medications and tools to help quit smoking.

This report focuses on the consequences of tobacco use, the epidemiology of it, and what influences people to start using.

This comprehensive website on tobacco includes links to surveys, tips on quitting, research data, statistics, and more.

The Tobacco Settlement

Link to statements and congressional testimony concerning the tobacco settlement as well as the 39,000 documents acquired by the House Committee on Commerce from the tobacco companies via congressional subpoena. The latter are scanned images requiring special viewers. Also available on a set of 44 CD-ROMs. 1998
Y 4.C 73/8:T 55/CD/PACK

Substance Abuse Resource Guide: Tobacco

This a resource list of informational sources and prevention materials for discouraging tobacco use. 1999.
HE 20.409/2:T 55

"Cigarette Smoking"

This article describes genetic factors, personality traits, and correlations with psychiatric problems and the use of other addictive/psychotropic substances. 1999
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. vol. 91, no. 16, pp. 1365-75
HE 20.3161:91/16

This article offers statistics on young people quitting smoking or attempting to do so and offers recommendations for improved results.

Brand preference by race and gender.

"Tobacco--Use Reduction"

This article talks about recent state legislative activities concerning tobacco, as well as litigation against tobacco companies.
SCLD Update. Jan 1999 pp. 13-18
HE 20.3182/9-2:998/4

A discussion of recent trends in high school tobacco use, including prevalence and type of tobacco used.

Find tobacco statistics (national and by state) for use, years of life lost, medical costs related to smoking, and state laws controlling tobacco use.

Best Practices for Comprehensive Tobacco Control Programs

The intention of this publication is to help states implement programs to reduce tobacco use using their settlement awards from the tobacco settlement. Funding and program models for each state are included. 1999
HE 20.7602:T55/2

Substance Use in Popular Movies & Music

This publication statistically details substance use (including tobacco) by characters in movies and references to substance use in popular music. 1999
PREX 26.2:SU 8

Raising Tobacco Prices: New Opportunities for the Black Market?

This hearing looks at the impact increased taxes on tobacco products might have on the black market, which the tobacco companies themselves have allegedly fueled by smuggling cigarettes into border countries. 1998.
Y 4.J 89/2:S.HRG. 105-932

Spitting into the Wind -- the Facts About Dip and Chew

This illustrated pamphlet about smokeless tobacco has cursory information about the link to oral cancer. 1999
HE 20.3402:D 62

Environmental Tobacco Smoke

This hearing looks at the health effects of environmental tobacco smoke, and the costs to society in terms of health care and lives lost. 1998.
Y 4.P96/10:S.HRG.105-678

Tobacco Advertising and Children

This hearing talks about the tobacco industry's targeting of youths in their advertising campaigns, in light of the "proposed" (at that time) tobacco settlement. 1997.
Y 4.C 73/7:S.HRG.105-824

lllinois Government Information
"Half for Tobacco Prevention: We Must Not Allow This Opportunity to Pass"

This article discusses lawmakers' ideas on how Illinois should spend its share of the Tobacco Settlement.
Illinois Issues v. 25, n. 10, pp.30-31
Illinois 320.9 ILLI vol. 25 no. 10

Legal Information
Illinois Laws Governing Tobacco Sales:
720 ILCS 675
720 ILCS 680
720 ILCS 685
Other Illinois Laws Concerning Smoking:
410 ILCS 82
410 ILCS 85

Look at FDA regulations governing the sale, labeling, and advertising of tobacco products - including the limitations on sponsoring sporting teams/events.
21 CFR 897

"Decades of Deception: Secrets of Lead, Asbestos, and Tobacco"

This article dscribes the long-term conspiracies of these three industries to keep their poisonous products on the market.
Trial. October 1999, p.46-52

"The Constitution and the Cathedral: Prohibiting, Purchasing, and Possibly Condemning Tobacco Advertising"

This article looks at the constitutionality of the Tobacco Settlement's restricted advertising provisions in light of first amendment rights concerning commercial speech, and what arguments are available to the government should there be a lawsuit over advertising rights. 1999.
Northwestern University Law Review. Vol. 93, No. 4 pp. 1143-1204


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