


Hazardous Waste Disposal

A Guide to Selected Government and Legal Information

Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.

Federal Government Information

OSWER provides policy, guidance and direction for the Environmental Protection Agency's solid waste and emergency response programs. This website features a quick finder by topic, safe waste management, and laws and regulations.

Nuclear Waste Storage and Disposal Policy

This hearing addresses the unresolved issue of what to do with nuclear waste stored at 81 sites in 40 States. The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1999, which would establish one temporary storage site in remote Nevada, is discussed. 1999
Y 4.EN 2:S. HRG. 106-105

Nuclear Regulatory Issuances

A reporting of the issuances received from the Commission, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Boards, the Administrative Law Judges, the Director's Decisions, and the Decisions on Petitions for Rulemaking. 1975 to present
Y 3.N 88:11/ and Y 3.N 88:11-2/

Nuclear Waste Litigation

This hearing examines the impacts of a recent U.S. Federal Circuit Court of Appeals decision regarding the federal government's breach of contract for failure to accept high-level nuclear waste by January 1998 and the resulting burden to the taxpayer. 2000
Y4.En 2:S.HRG.106-918

Yucca Mountain Project: Have Federal Employees Falsified Documents?

This hearing examines possible falsification of documents by the U.S. Geological Survey and the Department of Energy's mismanagement of the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump project. On February 28, 2005, a DOE official said the proposed Yucca Mountain repository may not open until 2017. 2005
Y 4.G 74/7:M 86/2

Yucca Mountain Project: Digging For the Truth

This second hearing on alleged document falsification contains Joseph Hevesi's (USGS) testimony in his own defense regarding sent emails that seemed to indicate that the scienfific studies underlying the Yucca Mountain project were fraudulent. 2005
Y 4.G 74/7:M 86/3

The Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Solid Waste website alphabetical topics listing yields information and instruction regarding a wide variety of hazardous waste.

Illinois Government Information

On this website of the Illinois EPA you can find information on household hazardous waste collections, regulations, land pollution, and much more.

Brownfields Cleanup and Reuse in Illinois Municipalities

Providing case studies on Alton, Calumet City, Monticello, Sterling, and Chicago, this report studies how these municipalities managed brownfield properties. 2004

2005 Annual Report on Accidents/Incidents Involving Hazardous Materials on Railroads in Illinois

A reporting of all Illinois railway accidents involving hazardous materials, detailing location, substance and amount involved, the suspected reason for each accident, the particular rail line, and origins of substance involved. 2005
ILLINOIS 385.24 I29ar 2005

Frequently Asked Questions About Brownfield Cleanup and Redevelopment

This Illinois Brownfield Initiative publication defines brownfields and answers many common questions, including information on government financing, land acquisition, and potential environmental liability. 1998

Legal Information
Protection of the Environment

This Title of the Code of Federal Regulations contains EPA regulations regarding the hazardous waste management system, including information to help identify hazardous waste. Standards applicable to generators and transporters of hazardous waste and standards for operators of hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities are presented.
40 CFR 260-265

Hazardous Substances

Section 1261 of Title 15 of the United States Code begins that portion of federal law which deals with hazardous substances.
15 USCA 1261 et al.

Illinois law providing definitions of key terms dealing with disposal of wastes. It also has the fines and penalties that can be assessed for illegally disposing of hazardous waste.
415 ILCS 5/1 et seq.

Land Disposal Restrictions

Specifies the wastes that are prohibited from disposal and also lists the limited circumstances that negate those restrictions. Includes special rules regarding waste disposal.
40 CFR 268

Illinois regulatory law regarding environmental protection, pollution control, and waste disposal can be found on the website.

"The Hanford Nuclear Waste Site: A Legacy of Risk, Cost, and Inefficiency"

This in-depth article analyzes the federal government's cleanup efforts at the Hanford nuclear reservation in Washington state and the conflicting interests associated with it.
Natural Resources Journal. Summer 2004 Vol. 44, No. 3 pp.809-839


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