


Small Business

A Guide to Selected Government Information Available at WIU's Government Publications Library

Web version of this guide includes links to web resources.

Federal Government Information

A hearing to learn the issues of most concern to and affecting small businesses and to get recommendations about how to best promote and sustain an enterprise friendly economy that rewards those who start and grow small businesses. 2001.
Y 4.SM 1:106-71

Ideas, Inventions, and Innovations

Discusses how to protect your inventions, promoting and marketing: and sources of financing, etc. 1992.
SBA 1.2: P 94/9/IDEAS/992

Policy Directive: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program

Examines the role of small business in federal research and development as directed by the Small Business Research and Development Enhancement Act of 1992. 1993.
SBA 1.2: P 94/11

Protecting small business rights

A hearing to on the fifth anniversary of SBREFA, or the Red Tape Reduction Act, to determine if small business participation has increased and whether or not their concerns have been heard and addressed and their rights protected. 2002.
Y 4.SM 1/2:S.HRG. 107-226

General Small Business Administration information about its programs and services. 2002.
SBA 1.2:P 94/13/2002

Hearing about reforming federal regulations to lessen the burden on small businesses so they can remain competitive. 2004.
Y 4.SM 1:108-66

Hearing to identify ways the federal government can ease the regulatory, insurance and other burdens of small businesses and thereby revitalize the economy. 2005.
Y 4.SM 1:109-12

Small Business Investment Companies: The SBIC Program

An overview of the SBIC (Small Business Investment Companies) Program. Discusses who benefits, requirements, licensing, loans, eligibility, and more. 1992.
SBA 1.2: Sm 1/17/992-2

This hearing focuses on bringing necessary reform to insurance markets that have long trapped small businesses and their employees in a vicious cycle of escalating premium costs and fewer coverage options. 2005
Y 4.SM 1/2:S.HRG. 109-110

Small business assistance for women

Small Business Administration information about its programs and services aimed particularly at women-owned businesses. 2002.
SBA 1.2:W 84/20/2000

Women Business Owners: Selling to the Federal Government

A handbook designed to help women entrepreneurs seeking business with the Federal Government. Addresses information about, "How the Government Buys", "Agency Resources", "How Government Makes Known Its Needs", and more. 1990.
SBA 1.2: W 84/4/990

The Facts About...

A series of pamphlets giving facts about various subjects regarding small business. Subjects covered are: international trade assistance, black-owned businesses, contract loan programs, handicapped assistance loans, women-owned businesses, etc. 1992.
SBA 1.2: F 11

Business Plan for the Small Retailer

Explores what a business plan is, marketing techniques, buying, inventory, implementing a plan, and control and feedback. 1992.
SBA 1.2: B 96/12

Results of Three-Year Commercialization Study of the SBIR Program

Gives results of a three-year study to evaluate the extent which SBIR Program awardees are successfully marketing the results of their research and development efforts. Includes tables and graphs. 1990.
SBA 1.2: B 86/3

Focus on the Future: Small Business in the 1990's

Addresses a number of trends that will affect America's business community in the next decade. Issues addressed are: keeping small business competitive, federal-state partnerships, mandated health benefits, family and parental leave, child care options, global marketplace, rural development, and more. 1990.
SBA 1.2: F 98

Starting Your Own Business: Answers to Some of Your Questions

Addresses some of the most often asked questions about starting a business. Includes topics: starting a business, management, financing, marketing, etc. 1990.
SBA 1.2: B 96/8/990

Working Together: A Guide to Federal and State Resources for Rural Economic Development

Summarizes rural economic development programs administered by agencies of the Federal Government. Also gives a listing of state offices and contact persons. 1991.
SBA 1.19: W 89/2/991

Budgeting for the Small Business

Explores how to create a budget, basic budgeting concepts, how to use a budget, etc. 1992.
SBA 1.23/3: B 85

Small Business Risk Management Guide

Subjects discussed are to encourage small business owners to protect their businesses. Also, aids in helping identify, minimize, and eliminate business risks. 1990.
SBA 1.32/2: MP 28

The States and Small Business: A Directory of Programs and Activities

This directory is designed to identify state and local programs, agencies, laws, and other activities that aid in the nurturing of small businesses in the United States. 1993.
SBA 1.34: 993

National Affirmative Employment FY 1991 Accomplishment Report & FY 1992 Plan Update

The Accomplishment Report reflects action taken at the national level to meet Agency program objectives. The Plan Update reflects the occupational areas where there continues to be under-representation of minorities and women. Tables are included. 1992.

The State of Small Business: A Report to the President

A report to Congress by George Bush on the condition of small businesses in 1990. Discusses the strides in women and minority ownerships, new opportunities, failing businesses, and much more. Tables and graphs included. 1991.

SBA (Small Business Administration): Evaluation of the Small Business Administration's 7(a) Guaranteed Business Loan Program

Gives the final results of an evaluation of the 7(a) guaranteed business loan program. Gives demographic profiles; opinions of participants; graphs and tables, and recommendations for future evaluations. 1992.
SBA 1.2: B 96/10

Field Hearing on Small Business Health Insurance Needs and Problems

Discusses the issue of how difficult it is for small businesses to obtain insurance for their employees because it is so expensive and hard to access for small businesses. 1992.
Y 4. Sm 1/2: S.hrg 102-544


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